Questions About the Groom For Bridal Shower Games
What Did the Groom Say is a fun bridal shower game.
My favorite shower games are always the ones that are personal to the couple. I like getting to know more about the bride and groom and seeing their personalities shine.
One game that’s perfect for this is What Did the Groom Say? It’s pretty easy as long as you prepare ahead of time. Start with this list of questions for the groom for bridal shower games and you’ll have a fun game for your guests.
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How to Play What Did the Groom Say?
A week or two before the bridal shower, ask the groom a set of questions. They can be fun, lighthearted questions about himself, about the bride and about their relationship.
He can answer the questions in an email or on video. Or if he’s willing, you could even have him come to the shower or FaceTime just long enough to play the game.
Print out your game cards. Make sure the questions match the ones that the groom answered.
When it’s time to play the game, distribute the game cards and give everyone time to fill them out. In one version of the game, guests have to guess if the bride and groom’s answers will match. In the second version of the game, guests will also try to guess the groom’s answers.
Once everyone’s filled out their cards, go through the questions one at a time. You can play or read the groom’s answers. Or if he’s there in person he can answer himself. For each of the groom’s answers, have the bride read hers.
The guests will get a point for each correct guess or answer. The guest with the most points wins a prize.
You can find lots of printable templates or ready made cards for both versions of the game. Pick which version you prefer or you can custom make a game with your own questions.
Basic Questions About the Groom
What’s your go-to drink?
What’s your favorite pizza topping?
Where is your dream vacation?
If you could have any animal as your pet, what would it be?
What was your best subject in high school?
What was your favorite sport in high school?
What chore do you hate the most?
What is your biggest pet peeve?
What’s your favorite Netflix show?
How Well Does He Know the Bride
Where is her dream vacation?
What chore does she hate the most?
What’s the best gift you’ve ever given her?
What’s the one thing she can’t live without?
What’s her biggest pet peeve?
What sport did she play in high school?
What’s her love language?
What’s her favorite candy?
What’s her favorite snack?
What’s her favorite coffee order?
What’s her favorite store?
Questions About the Relationship
Where did you meet?
What did she think of you when you first met?
Who asked who out?
Where was your first date?
Where was your first kiss?
When did you know you wanted to marry her?
What do you love the most about her?
What does she love the most about you?
Where did you propose?
Funny Questions For the Groom
Have you ever used any of her beauty products?
Who gets the last word in an argument?
What do you do that annoys her the most?
What does she do that annoys you the most?
What’s her favorite thing to spend money on?
What’s the best meal you can cook?
Who would play you in a movie about your life?
What celebrity does she most look like?
Who takes longer to get ready for a night out?
If the bride was to throw out one piece of your clothing, what would it be?
Bridal Shower Prizes For What Did The Groom Say?
Bridal shower prizes are usually small gifts like lotion, bath bombs and spa sets. Kitchen items are popular prizes for showers, too. Think of things like wine glasses, mugs, towels and kitchen gadgets for fun and useful prizes.
How to Play at a Couples Shower
If you’re planning a couples or a co-ed wedding shower, you can adapt the game to include the bride and the groom in the fun. This version of the game is called He Said, She Said.
How to Play He Said, She Said
Choose 15 to 20 statements ahead of time and make sure the bride and groom will be comfortable answering them on the day of the shower.
When it’s time to play, give each guest a game card and a pen or pencil.
Give the guests time to read through each statement and decide if He Said it or if She Said it. Some hosts like to set a timer for 5 minutes, others just play it by ear.
Once the guests have filled out their cards, it’s time for the bride and groom to give their answers. Read each statement for the bride and groom to respond to. They can simply raise their hand or point to each other. Or you can give them each 2 signs to hold up and indicate their answers. Look for bride and groom signs, or you can even DIY some cute face signs.
The guests will score one point for each answer they get right. The person with the most correct answers wins a prize.
He Said, She Said Questions For the Bride and Groom
When you’re planning your couples shower, you can buy ready made game cards or custom make your own. If you decide to make your own, you can personalize them with your own questions.
I noticed him/her first.
I made the first move.
I’m a better cook.
I’m a better driver.
I’m better at karaoke.
I’m a better dancer.
I’m more romantic.
I’m more dramatic.
I said I love you first.
I plan all our dates.
I’m doing most of the wedding planning.
I picked out first dance song.
I’m more likely to cry at the wedding.
I’m the first one up in the morning.
I’m the biggest baby when I’m sick.
I hog all the blankets.
I hog most of the closet.
Couples Shower Prizes For He Said, She Said
For a couples shower, you can look for unisex prizes or gifts that everyone would enjoy. You could get prizes like movie tickets, Starbucks gift cards, or bottles of wine or liquor.
How to Play What Did the Groom Say at a Bachelorette Party
To play What Did the Groom Say at a bachelorette party, you can follow the same rules, but choose more risqué questions for the groom to answer. Check with the bride and groom ahead of time and make sure they’re both comfortable with the type of questions you’ll be asking.
Since it’s a bachelorette, as well as giving points for correct answers, you can take shots for wrong answers. Or each person who gets a wrong answer has to do a truth or dare.
Questions For the Groom For a Bachelorette Game
Who is her celebrity crush?
What’s your pet name for her?
What’s her pet name for you?
What’s her guilty pleasure?
What’s your favorite body part of hers?
What’s your favorite lingerie that she wears?
Who’s the loudest in bed?
Where’s the weirdest place you’ve done the deed?
How many dates did you go on before you slept together?
What’s she most likely to go to jail for?
Bachelorette Party Prizes For What Did the Groom Say?
Prizes for a bachelorette can be a bit more suggestive, too. Whoever gets the most points for correct answers or guesses can be awarded bottles of wine, spa sets or lingerie as prizes.
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